Strength Analysis

Your reliable partner on professional strength analysis
High Value
Designing equipment parts or machines requires a delicate balance between material usage, labor efficiency, functionality, and safety. It's important to ensure that the design is as simple as possible while still effectively accomplishing the intended task, without falling in love with the design to the point of ignoring its weaknesses or field trial failures.

At TAU-KEN BEARING, we understand the critical importance of getting the technical parameters right during the design process. Strength calculation is a key parameter that determines material cost and design features, and it requires specialized professionals to execute - that's where our Strength Engineers come in.

Our Strength Engineers possess vast expertise and knowledge in technical mechanics, materials, geometry, and architecture, allowing us to develop the most functional and reliable products possible. We take great care to balance safety, functionality, and production cost, ensuring that the end result meets your specific needs and exceeds your expectations.

Our Strength Engineers use highly specialized profecional software and servicies such as:

  • Robot Structural Analysis
  • Dlubal RFEM 5
  • NX Nastran;
  • Static and Seismic Calculations, according to European Standards: EN1990; EN1991, EN1993, EN1998.

Industrial Strength Analysis

Ensuring structural strength is crucial not only for product performance but also for economic reasons. It's essential to have a clear understanding of the structural strength parameters to develop a product that's both safe and cost-effective. At TAU-KEN BEARING, we prioritize structural strength analysis to ensure optimal outcomes for our clients.

Our professional strength analysis includes:

  • Static and dynamic loads calculation
  • Material calculation
  • Determination of optimal and maximum deflection.
  • Material fatigue strength calculation.
Have any questions? Please don't hesitate to contact us today.